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Online Infor commercials / Ecowarn heaters
« Last post by Webmaster on February 03, 2025, 06:16:44 PM »
EcoWarm heaters First off are very expensive and still expensive (Per Unit) buying 3 of them. I have seen since that Amazon has them for 1/2 the price  and cheaper!
They advertise money back guarantee if not satisfied, well it did not work for me as advertised, it did not heat my room much at all if any and it was on for a while. Also it has to be place directly into the wall socket, there is not stand or cord so very limited where you can use it. So I tried to return the 3 items and was told no problem but I have to send them to China, certified with return receipts, This is extremely expensive and BS.
Do not buy from them and I just seen an AD for a similar product called NavaThermo,
be aware if you purchase, they could be the same scam so you keep it whether you like it or not.
Check Amazon first!!
Sites with iFrames? Bad? / Sites with iFrames mostly not allowed!
« Last post by Webmaster on August 05, 2014, 04:21:45 PM »
Among the members there are some new ones submitting sites with iFrames. If an iFrame is used for a banner exchange ad then we will accept it and then check the other rules for violations on whet we accept.

Some of the sites submitted have multiple iFrames with actual sites in them, this is not acceptable. If one of the sites goes off-line then the that page will become a frame breaker. Some members cheat and put in hidden iFrames that actual act as if they are surfed and then get credits, this is "Cheating the site in the iFrame with fake traffic".

We check submitted sites for what the Iframes actually are, do not try to be sneaky and shady,
we will just ban your account!

NO exceptions!
aWolf Site Rules / Our Site Rules
« Last post by Webmaster on July 20, 2014, 03:39:07 AM »
These types of sites are NOT accepted on the aWolf Traffic Exchanges:

Warez, porno, nudity, hate, gambling, too many scripts. framebreaker codes, hidden scripts or iFrames
Redirects, url shorteners, masked sites or popups.
Most Rotators are allowed to Upgraded members only!
Sites with Sound/Video are NOT allowed on any Auto or Reg surfing exchanges. Sound is only allowed on Manual or Hover Sites!

Sites that are allowed with limited visibility and NOT allowed on the network:

Sites with too many ads/banners,
Sites that load slowly.
Dating sites
Sites that advertise gaming links.
Non English Sites.

Remember.. Most Splash pages with no sound work everywhere!!!!

This will be updated as needed!
BAD Sites!!
Some people are making bad sites and submitting them to different traffic
exchanges and probably other types of sites as well. These sites will try
to load as many as 88 iFrames and overload your browser, then
STOP your surfing!  Admins beware!!

When I come across more I will list them here!!

Important Site News / Surf Contests
« Last post by Webmaster on April 04, 2013, 01:06:41 PM »
All the aWolf traffic exchanges have "Daily" Surf Contests!  hd-)

Most also have "Weekly" surf contests as well. Contest results are calculated everyday and Winning credits are awarded to each winning member. You can find the current standings of a certain site using the sitemap on that particular site, look for contests, then follow the links.

AutoSurf, Manual & Hybrid sites all have running surf contests. There is a minimum number of sites to surf to qualify. Each site had it's own requirements and winnings.

Happy Surfing!!
Important Site News / Re: Our aWolf Sites now on our own Server!
« Last post by Webmaster on January 27, 2013, 04:51:53 PM »
1/27/13 For some reason the server's file system went to read only, support says if this happens often a more detailed inspection will be required. So with this the server was down for about 45 minutes. I have also heard and inquired about scheduled server reboots being a good practice. I will start doing this about every 6 weeks. In doing this the server self check itself and prevents other issues.

I will start doing this in early March, for now Happy Surfing and sorry for the small downtime.

Important Site News / Re: Our aWolf Sites now on our own Server!
« Last post by Webmaster on December 31, 2012, 08:25:23 AM »
Yesterday 12/30/12 We had a Server issue, the Drive failed, and had to be replaced. It took all day for the techs to reinstall the server and restore our backup from the old drive. I do not believe any data was lost because all the data had to be copied from the failed drive to the new one. The backup was found not to be any good, but luckily they were able to use the most recent data from the previous drive. This 500 error was what you seen when trying to surf while the drive was failing. It seems to be something out of my control and also the host. I will have to update the server in the next week or so, things should still go smooth, but somethings might require a reboot of the server, so there might be a time or 2 when the sites will appear off line for a few minutes, or not responding. I am happy we were down only 1 day due to all this.

Have a Great New Year everybody, and thanks for being one of our members!

Important Site News / Re: Our aWolf Sites now on our own Server!
« Last post by Webmaster on October 09, 2012, 04:16:26 PM »
Occasionally the server might have automatic updates, some affect surfing for a few minutes, some may not.
As for everything else a 1000% improvement from what it was before!!

So far so good, this page will have announcements regarding any future server issues!
Important Site News / Our aWolf Sites now on our own Server!
« Last post by Webmaster on October 03, 2012, 02:32:01 PM »
Now on our own Dedicated Server!!!!
Sorry but adjusting the sites to the correct time affected surfing until the time catches up, probably about 4 hours!

Sorry for any inconveniences!! :(


Our aWolfpack Network / Re: Why we are a "Private" network
« Last post by Peaches on August 26, 2012, 04:19:22 PM »
You can see who your friends are
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